Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Islam: To declare that there is no god but Allah

Iman: To know in your heart that there is no god but Allah

Righteousness: To realize that there is no "I" in Allah

Sainthood: To realize that there is no "I" in me.


Anonymous said...

There is no 'I' in Allah... it does not click, could you add more to it, just enough to reflect upon...

There is no 'I' in me... When all is given to Him?

Gharib! said...

There is no "I" in Allah means that Allah is who He is, Most Mighty and Magestic is He, not who I think he is or want Him to be. As such I must adopt to His commands and vice versa.

There is no "I" in me is a treasure you will have to hunt for my friend...