Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Imams Zaid and Tahir In Seattle!

The Forgotten Generation

Challenges Facing Muslim Youth in the West

Sunday, February 7th, UW Kane Hall

With Imam Zaid Shakir and Imam Tahir Anwar

Register now at

Ever wonder how to maintain your Islamic identity living in the West? Or as parents how to help your children deal with everyday challenges? As Muslims in the West, we not only face challenges in creating an authentic American Muslim Identity, but we also have to cultivate a balance between our faith and daily lives.

We welcome you to come listen and learn from two of the leading Western Muslim scholars, Imams Zaid Shakir & Tahir Anwar as they advise the youth, parents and community members through the Prophetic Model and share their personal experiences in a one day seminar.

Conference details

The Forgotten Generation - Challenges Facing Muslim Youth in the West


Imam Zaid Shakir - Zaytuna Institute,

Imam Tahir Anwar – South Bay Islamic Association

When: 1:00 pm – 8:00pm, Sunday, Feb 7th 2010

Where: University of Washington – Kane Hall

Free babysitting available!

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